FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — January 10, 2011 – ITSM Academy, Inc. announced today the introduction of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) Lifecycle Boot Camps Program – an innovate approach for training two (2) ITIL Lifecycle disciples a five (5)-day week.
ITSM Academy adds ITIL Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC) to their Service Catalog
ITSM ACADEMY ADDS ITIL MANAGING ACROSS THE LIFECYCLE (MALC) TO THEIR SERVICE CATALOG FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — July 17, 2009 – ITSM Academy, Inc. announced today the release of their newest ITIL course – Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC). “This
ITSM Academy Named as First U.S.A Accredited Provider of APMG ITIL® Training
ITSM Academy Named as First U.S.A Accredited Provider of APMG ITILâ Training FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — May 11, 2007 – ITSM Academy, Inc. announced today they have become the first US organization to be accredited by the APM Group (APMG)